about us and this site |
Plastic modelling is a very interesting hobby. With each
new kit the same questions will arouse: Where do I get the decals I need,
which painting and camouflage had the origin and how can I improve my techniques?
The web is a good chance to get suggestions and exchange experiences. This
is exactly the concern of this pages. As I started with this pages, my main
subject were aircrafts of the German Luftwaffe from WWII. Therefore the
title was chosen: "The Luftwaffe in Scale". Since that time I saw a lot
of models from different air forces and different decades as well as even
other models as aircrafts. Therefore the information will contain all different
subjects of plastic modelling.
The page should be always up to date. Even with the latest news. The subject
as well as the page on the web should be with a minimum of errors. Since
this task is very time consuming we split the task: |
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In order to distribute our newsletter we use the Newsletter System: “Your Mailing List Provider” located in Belgium. When the newsletter is sent only the minimally necessary data namely your email address will be used. Currently no clicks or file openings are being recorded.
We send a Newsletter only with the permission of the recipient or lawful permission. The application for our Newsletter follows a so called double-opt-in method. You will receive after your permission application an e-mail in which we will ask you for a confirmation. This is necessary in order that no one can send a fake or somebody else's e-mail address.
The application for the newsletter will be lawfully checked in order to make abuse legally conform to the new regulations. Included will be be the application date and the approval date as well as the IP address. All changes in your application process will also be checked.
You can cancel the receipt of our newsletter any time and legally recall your permission. A link to cancel will be found at the end of each newsletter. |
This page is involved with modelling. We
do not glorify any war or any ideology. Every modeller seeks
to build his model so close to the origin as ever possible.
Even with all his markings.
THE LAW IN AUSTRIA: The use of the swastika is not prohibited
when it is used to represent an origin correctly. Like on original
photos or on models which represent an origin. |
our Banner - 400x60 (8kb): |
This page: ABOUT US: about us and this site
was last modified on: Jul 09, 2020
The URL of the page is: http://www.rlm.at/intro_e.htm
© Copyright www.rlm.at and the contributing author(s). All Rights
Reserved. Used with permission.
Terms of use: All material within this site is protected under copyright
and may only be reproduced for personal use. You must contact the Author(s)
and/or Editor for permission to use any material on this site for any purpose
other than private use! |