Airbrush - die Aztek A430 / A470 |
by Wolfram Bradac |

Which airbrush shall I use? This question arises as soon as you have
decided to use an airbrush in the future. You can choose among many models
with different kinds of functions and each one has its advantages and disadvantages.
But definitely sure is that the so-called sets for beginners are not right
for painting models on a scale of 1:72.
I started with a BADGER 150, a useful airbrush of conventional style. The
cleaning of instruments of this type - most important for each airbrush
- however, is quite a lot of work. And the adjustment to other nozzle diameters
is relatively expensive. About two years ago I saw an Aztek airbrush (A430)
first time and was fascinated right away. The Aztek system offers a lot
of advantages: |
Simple cleaning (impervious
to all known cleaning agents) |
Simple change of nozzles |
Paint cup can be put right
or left and turned in each direction |
Gravity-feed or syphon-feed
operation |
Model A 470 has also a separate
paint volume control |
difference to other airbrushes (e.g. Badger, Revell or similar models):
the needle and the nozzle-head are an entity so that a change is simple
and not complicated at all. For this type sealing rings are not necessary
and the whole thing is insensitive to thinner. The nozzle has not to be
disassembled but only blown through with thinner. The red nozzle wrench
which is added to the nozzle-head can also be used for cleaning - this looks
quite good on the video which is also enclosed, however, in practice I use
a bristle brush number 10 for cleaning the nozzle feed. The also included
paint cups can be fixed either on the right or left side. The main attraction
of this airbrush (A430/A470): Depending on the cup type fixed you can use
it either as Gravity-Feed or Syphon-Feed (see explanation below). Both Aztek
A430 and Aztek A470 are of course Double Action airbrushes. The difference
between these two models is the ergonomic handle and the separate paint
volume control of model A470. By the help of the paint volume control you
can set a constant paint jet and use it practically as a Single-Action airbrush.
In Austria only the A470 is offered generally.
I have both airbrushes and can recommend them most warmly. In Austria normally
you can buy only the A470 in the above shown wooden storage case at about
EUR 153,--. |
recommendable accessory is the cleaning station. The cleaning station
consists of a jar and a cap with an interchangeable paperfilter. As you
can see from the picture the airbrush is just inserted and blown through
with thinner. A neck for other airbrushes is also included.
In the past I always sprayed the thinner into a filter paper - but of course
now it is much easier with the cleaning station. |
Some explanations for airbrush-beginners: |
Single-Action / Double- Action:
A Single Action is an airbrush with which you can only regulate
the air volume by the help of a control lever and the paint
volume just by a separate control. A Double Action airbrush
like an A430 or A470 has only one lever: By pressing it down
you can regulate the air supply. By turning it back (at the
same time) you can regulate the paint volume. You need some
practice to do so, however, nothing prevents you to regulate
the air volume through the compressor. Therefore in my opinion
it's better to use a Double Action airbrush from the beginning.
Syphon-Feed / Gravity-Feed:
These are definitions for the kind of paint supply. By Syphon-Feed
the paint is sucked in by subpressure (e.g. jar with a hose),
by Gravity-Feed the paint is streaming through the gravity (e.g.
cup on the side). Gravity-Feed is the more proper system for
precise detail works. With these two Aztek airbrushes both modes
are possible.
Internal- / External-mix:
These are definitions for the different kinds of paint/air mix.
By the external mix it happens outside of the nozzle. The advantages
of this method: You don't need a nozzle, the airbrush is simply
built up and easily to clean. The disadvantage: You can spray
only larger areas. By the internal mix (A430/A470) it happens
inside of the nozzle. The assembly of the airbrush becomes more
complicated, but through this system the paint can be atomized
very finely and therefore most accurate works are practicable
with it. The so-called beginner airbrushes (e.g. from Revell)
are mostly airbrushes with external mix and therefore not to
be used for spraying of camouflage paints. |
meet the author |
Wolfram Bradac |
I was born in 1962 in Vienna.
During my school time I started modelling with Airfix kits.
After a long break I restarted modelling. My main subjects are
aircrafts of the German Luftwaffe of WWII, also military vehicles.
Like most other modellers I stored a lot of kits, more than
I built. Beside modelling photographing is my main subject. |
Email: luftwaffe@chello.at |
This page: THEMES: Airbrush - die Aztek A430 /
A470 - by Wolfram Bradac
was last modified on: 02/14/2001
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