Ziggy 33 - the sIG 33 by Verlinden |
built by Werner Kampfhofer (1:35) |

2006 was for me the "year of the artillery" and I wanted to devote more time to the artillery pieces of the former German Wehrmacht. After I started too many models at the same time, I soon reached the borders of the do-able and my euphoria paled quickly. It was not impossible for me, as I had initially thought to build the kits right out of the box. Much too much was not clear in the directions and the kits were often poorly detailed. First I had to buy reference material and then I made improvements on the kit. As a result, only the sIG 33 was finished.
The kit
Originated with Verlinden and represents a later version of the motorized type, primarily recognizable by the wooden spoke wheels. After Verlinden skipped the installation of the air brakes, which was typical for motorized versions, it was clear to me that I had to build the variant for the horse drawn version. Therefore I needed other running wheels and a few changes had to be made since it was going to be one of the earlier versions. For this reason the eyelets, into which the range finding poles are hooked will have to be newly scratch built. Similarly a lot had to be added in the area of the main and side axels. A valuable companion was "Nuts and Bolts Volume 22", since most information was contained in this publication.
A further problem with the model is the many missing rivets in the barrel and the barrel lock mechanism. I puzzled a long time on how I would fix the rivets without making glue spots on the resin. In one building article, Mr. Metal Primer made by Gunze Sangyo was mentioned. I was skeptical but I tried it anyway. Mr. Metal Primer is an ultra thin but quick drying, clear lacquer with an acrylic base. A small dab on the correct spot sets the rivet properly. Despite this, an evening of concentrated work is required in order to improve all the bolts. Since it has been documented on a few photos, I installed a back light on the gun shield and added the required electrical connection to the gun carriage. Photo etches parts for the clamps for tools and the barrel cleaners. The stamped wheel cap was made Lion Mark(LM 9000). |
The diorama
The diorama is somewhere in Russia in the summer of 1941. In order that the artillery piece and the operators are not lost in an empty space, I decided to out a building in the background. The building originated with Profit, a Polish firm. The building consists of very soft plaster of paris and since it was originally a damaged building, I added a complete roof made by MK 35. The windows are by Evergreen Profiles and are clear overhead film. Ammo boxes originated from MR-Modellbau.
The figures
The gun crew of a small sIG 33 consisted of nine soldiers. I only produced eight. One of the crew was merely somewhere else. The order in which the artillery men are represented is the correct position as they appeared during combat. In actuality no one normally stood as portrayed. Most of the figures came from the "German Artillery Crew" by Dragon (6201). They rest are by Trumpeter (409) and Miniart (35029). It was very difficult to find 6 heads with the correct hat, with a facial expression which fits the scene. Christoph Heugl painted the figures after I built them and primed them. |
meet the modeler |
Werner Kampfhofer |
Hi, I am Werner Kampfhofer, born 1963-03-05
in Vienna. I live there with my wife, my son and currently 3 dogs. My modelling career started at the age of nine and a plane
from airfix. What began sporadically, turned into manic over
the years (that's at least the opinion of my wife).
My main focus are AFV in 1/35, without a historical limit and
I have no objections against kits from other branches. I always
try to get out the best of me and thus modelling is not fun
for me anymore, it is work, but a work I enjoy. |
Email: tankbuster@chello.at |
Web: www.wk1963.at |
This page: GALLERY: Ziggy 33 - the sIG 33 by Verlinden (1:35) - built by Werner Kampfhofer
was last modified on:May 30, 2010
The URL of the page is: http://www.rlm.at/cont/gal38_e.htm
Translation into English by Werner
Stocker (Ft. Myers, FL USA).
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