Wolfpack! U-Boat Type VIIC - U 82 |
built by Karl Pesek (1:72) |

Despite the fact that I build military vehicles in 1:72 scale, I could not
resist the temptation to buy this U-boat kit. After I had read an article
in Tamiya magazine and saw the diorama with the new Andrea figures in Modellfan,
I wanted to start building immediately. As with so many projects it became
apparent that a lot of work would be involved in order to build a presentable
For references I used the following materials: Warship pictorial #27 "Kriegsmarine
VII U-boat", Vom Original zum Modell : U-boat VII C ,Bernard Graefe Verlag,
"Das Boot" by Andrea Press, Tamiya-Magazin June/July 2004, 3 volumes of
Blank Media "U-Boat War", " U Boat Sailors" and "Death in Victory". From
the beginning I had planned a two tone striped finish. Since I am no U-boat
expert I stuck to the Revell instructions for U-82.
My first decision was to open up the drain and flooding holes. I did this
by sanding the inside of the hull until I could punch through the holes
easily. The first openings looked so good and as I continued I realized
how much work this entailed. Before I joined the hull, I installed 2 M6
wheel nuts in order to fasten the boat to the base later. I also used plastic
sheet to show through the opened drain holes, the partially visible inner
hull. Before the deck was glued in place, I painted the hull. The appropriate
Eduard photo etch parts were now added.
On the conning tower I replaced the handles and ladders with new ones made
with brass wire. All periscope assemblies as well as the base for the attack
computer were improved. Here I found many variations in the references and
if I made mistakes may the reader forgive me. The main deck armament as
well as the 2 cm flak were improved either with photo etch or with home
made parts. |
The painting was done with Tamiya Acrylics.
I mixed my own colors from a variety of grays. The primer coat was done
with a Weinert Modellbau coat. I started with the lightest colors and after
having applied the two-tone camouflage scheme I lightened the areas towards
the middle. The flooding holes were lightly touched with a wash of reddish
brown paint to simulate rust. After that the whole model was painted with
gloss clear. After this coat dried, I used dark oil paint to accentuate
the flooding holes and the rivets along the sides of the hull.
After attaching the only decal, I then sealed the model with Gunze matt
clear paint. Since I had never built a naval vessel before, I was uncertain
about what to use to simulate the steel cables. I used sewing yarn which
seemed to represent the look of steel cables fairly well. I colored the
yarn black and carefully applied the ceramic insulators. I discovered later
that the sewing yarn absorbed moisture and began to sag. I have decided
to use fishing line in the future on similar projects. On the conning tower
are 9 figures and they are all from Hecker & Goros. They are beautifully
sculptured and a joy to paint. I hope other figures follow in 1:72 for different
(The signal mate standing near the edge of the conning tower can be found
in "U-Boot Krieg" page 52 by Blank Media). Since I still have quite a few
figures related to the U-boat war, I have decided to do more projects. Even
if there are only cross sections involved. I certainly hope to see more
U-boat models at shows and an absolute highlight would be to see the one
by Zdenek Sebesta with the cross sectioned hull. |
for U-82:
U-82 was launched on May 15. 1940 in Bremen (shipyard: Bremer Vulkan).
It was officially commissioned for action under Kapitänleutnant Siegfried
Rollmann on May 14. 1941. The boat was assigned to the 3.U-boot Flotille
and sank 52,986 tons of enemy shipping on three combat patrols. On February
27. 1942, on the return voyage from the eastern U.S. coast (Operation Paukenschlag),
during an attack on convoy OS-18 it was sunk by the British sloop HMS Rochester
and the Corvette HMS Tamarisk, north of the Azores. The boat was a total
loss- 45 dead (last commander Siegfried Rollmann). |
meet the modeler |
Karl Pesek |
My name is Karl Pesek and
I was born in Mödling in 1963. My interest in modeling
goes back to when I was seven when my father bought an Airfix
tank for me. This model was then artistically painted with gloss
grass green that my father had provided for me. My aunt in the
United States provided me with more models. After a few excursions
into the model train world and various distractions during my
teen years I returned to military vehicles. . For eight years
I have tried to bring the standards of my models to exhibition
level. I enjoy these exhibits because of the exchange of ideas.
I have to admit that the work of Erik Trauner motivated me to
try again. His masterful techniques to create landscapes, love
of detail and the animation of his showpieces motivate me still. |
Email: aon.913020354@aon.at |
This page: GALLERY: Wolfpack! U-Boat Type VIIC
- U 82 (1:72), built by Karl Pesek
was last modified on: Aug 06, 2006
The URL of the page is: http://www.rlm.at/cont/gal05_e.htm
Translation into English by Werner
Stocker (Ft. Myers, FL USA).
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