Dornier Do 335 Prototypes |
Luftwaffe Aviation Art - Color profiles by Simon Schatz |
Do 335 V1, W.Nr. 230001, CP+UA, Mengen, October 1943
Do 335 V9, W.Nr. 230009, CP+UI, Mengen, July 1944
Do 335 M 14, RP+UQ, W.Nr. 230014, Oberpfaffenhofen , November 1944
References / profiles
Dornier Do 335 Arrow – Luftwaffe’s Fasted Piston-Engine Fighter
J.Richard Smith and Eddie Creek with Gerhard Roletschek, Classic Publications
Dornier Do 335, 435, 635- Kampfflugzeug- Aufklärer-Zerstörer-Nachtjäger
Manfred Griehl, Motorbuch Verlag
Dornier 335 Arrow
J. Richard Smith, Eddie J. Creek, Thomas H. Hitchcock, Monogram Aviation
Additional informations
This unarmed aircraft took off on October 26 1943 with Test pilot Hans Dieterle
at the controls. It was designated as aircraft V1, CP+UA, W. Nr. 230001.
The aircraft was extensively tested until it was parked near the Mengen
The camouflage scheme was as follows: Upper surfaces and spinner RLM 70,
Lower surfaces RLM 65. The propeller blades were unpainted.
Do 335 V9, CP+UI served as a prototype for the Do 335 A-O/ A-1 series. It
was fully armed with one MK 103 and two MG’s 151/15. It was first
tested by Hermann Quenzler on June 29 1944.
The camouflage scheme was as follows: Upper surfaces RLM 70/71, Lower surfaces
RLM 65, spinner RLM 70 and the propeller blades were unpainted.
Do 335 M 14, RP+UQ, W.Nr. 230014 was the second prototype of the destroyer
version. The Do 335 B-2 had two additional MK 103 in the wings. The aircraft
was captured by French troops and extensively tested until January 1949
in Bretigny near Paris.
Do 335 M 14 was camouflaged as follows: Upper surfaces RLM 81/82, Lower
surfaces RLM 65, spinner and propeller blades were RLM 70. |
meet the Author: |
Simon Schatz |
1978 I was born in Vienna
and I am working as technical employee in an architect's office.
I am building plastic models since I am 12. It started with
a F-16 Fighting Falcon in 1/32, which was followed by a few
cars and trucks. A Heinkel He111 H-6 in 1/72 brood my interest
for the German Luftwaffe. Since 2001 I am creating color profiles
Some of them have been already published in relevant magazines
and books. The motto for building models and drawing profiles
is the same: Learning by Doing. To practise my passion it is
required to collect the necessary documentation, an expensive,
but interesting hobby, especially when I can obtain rare second
hand aviation antiquars. |
Email: simon_der_flieger@yahoo.de |
Online-Portfolio / Publications |
This page: PROFILES: Dornier Do 335 Prototypes
was last modified on: Feb 11, 2007
The URL of the page is: http://www.rlm.at/cont/profil15_e.htm
Translation into English by Werner
Stocker (Ft. Myers, FL USA).
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