GO MODELLING 2018 - Modeling Contest & Exhibition in Austria |
arranged by IPMS-Austria, from Mar 10 - Mar 11, 2018 |
Hibernation is over and the yearly GoMo, held in the Military Museum of Vienna, was ringing for springtime awakening in the modelling region Centrope (Central Europe).
Noteworthy is the theme selection by IPMS Austria with the specials: “100 years RAF” (Royal Air Force not Rote Armee Fraktion!), „Science Fiction & Fantasy“and „Middle East conflicts since 1948”. They are in contrast to the memorial year celebrated by “official” Austria (100 years of Republic, 100 years end of WWI, 80 years Annexation) or some jubilees like 60 years Austrian Airlines or 100 years Lufthansa.
The “IPMS market place” with affordably 2nd hand kits, youth tinkering which hopefully will bring in some fresh blood to the hobby and the modelling competition represented the usual fixed points of the show. We have seen some new models, although we already knew them from the internet. We are under the impression that some modelers of the region are building their kits primary for the show in Mosonmagyarovar/Hungary, or hold them back until this event and exhibit them on the subsequent GoMo.
Due to the flu the rows of the dealers were a bit cleared this time, nevertheless there were sufficient offers which were difficult to resist. There was a lot to chat with the “buddies” and all of a sudden GoMo 2018 was already history. It is our hope that the exhibitors and visitors who could resist the awakening spring outside and found their way to the HGM ensured sufficient sales so that the traders have a reason to return to GoMo 2019. |
Modelcontest GO MODELLING 2018
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This page: GALLERY: Modeling Contest & Exhibition
GO MODELLING 2018 (Austria)
was last modified on: Mar 11, 2018
The URL of the page is: http://www.rlm.at/cont/gal994_2018_e.htm
Translation into English by Werner Kampfhofer
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