Caterpillar D7 Bulldozer with LeTorneau Power Control Unit |
built by Karl Pesek (1/72) |

The Caterpillar D7 was developed from an earlier version (1940) the RD7 and was then continually developed in various versions until the end of the war.
Producers like Le Tomeau, La Plant Choate and Buckeye issued various accessories such as excavator shovels, winches and scoopers for street and airfield construction.
The US-Army as well as the British army used this earth moving equipment on all theaters of operation. Ther were also armored versions. Very useful resources for the construction of this model are the Tankograd Technical Manual # 6022 as well as Axis and Allies Photo Journal #11.
The kit & painting
The model was constructed from a kit by the Romanion company Wespe and was much improved since the kit was not very detailed. As a result the motor, the chassis, the operating levers as well as the radiator protection were improved or scratch built. The power control unit (for lifting and lowering of the attached equipment was completely scratch built). The figure is from CMK (US Truck drivers). The canisters are from Extra-Tech.
The painting was done with Tamiya colors with olive drab as a base color. Variations of olive drab were used to enhance the weathering effect. The bullddozer blade was painted using the hairspray technique. Base color is dark gray then Alclad steel, followed by various thin rust washes and finally an olive drab wash. These various steps were allowed to dry and then lightly brushed off in order to get the right effect. (works easier with Vallejo Chipping medium).
The ruined building was a MIG production, rubble was created from chipped styrodur and other sheet material. Various brick tones were used for painting individual bricks and sifted rubble was added. The finished scenery was then dusted with pigments ... |
meet the modeler |
Karl Pesek |
My name is Karl Pesek and
I was born in Mödling in 1963. My interest in modeling
goes back to when I was seven when my father bought an Airfix
tank for me. This model was then artistically painted with gloss
grass green that my father had provided for me. My aunt in the
United States provided me with more models. After a few excursions
into the model train world and various distractions during my
teen years I returned to military vehicles. . For eight years
I have tried to bring the standards of my models to exhibition
level. I enjoy these exhibits because of the exchange of ideas.
I have to admit that the work of Erik Trauner motivated me to
try again. His masterful techniques to create landscapes, love
of detail and the animation of his showpieces motivate me still. |
Email: aon.913020354@aon.at |
This page: GALLERY: Caterpillar D7 Bulldozer with LeTorneau Power Control Unit (1/72), built by Karl Pesek
was last modified on: Oct 31, 2013
The URL of the page is: http://www.rlm.at/cont/gal41_e.htm
Translation into English by Werner
Stocker (Ft. Myers, FL USA).
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