Sd.Kfz. 173 "Jagdpanther" |
built by Gert Petinger (1:35) |
After I decided to build a Jagdpanther, I began a search for an unusual camouflage scheme. My research led me to the internet and I soon found a vehicle of the Panzerjägerabteilung 654. A similar camouflage schemes, I had found on late Panthers and I thought these to be very interesting. I chose the vehicle with the turret number 321 without thinking about the difficult masking job ahead.
As mentioned my model represents a Jagdpanther of the sPz.Jg. Abt. 654. This unit was raised on the 22. March 1943 in Rouen (France) and was transferred on the 13. June 1943 to the Eastern Front with a complement of 45 "Ferdinand's". After the Kursk campaign, the unit was transferred back to France and equipped with Jagdpanthers. After heavy losses in Normandy the unit was brought to full complement with Jagdpanthers in Grafenwöhr. During December 1944 the unit possessed 20 Jagdpanthers and three Panzer IV L/70 and took part in the Battle of the Bulge. During the end phase of the war (March 1945) the unit operated in the Remagen area.
The model
To stick to historical accuracy I had to choose the Tamiya kit which gives options. I was not disappointed as a Tamiya fan by this kit which offered good details and good fit. I added photo etch by Aber (35028, 35A28, 35A91, R-23), metal tracks from Friul (ATL-08) and a turned metal gun barrel from Barrel Depot. I soldered the parts to the kit which took a little longer but was more fun and provided more stability. I used paste solder and a normal soldering iron.
I decided to provide the vehicle with a working suspension in order to place it at some future date on a diorama base. For the suspension I used 0, 3 mm wire and made it function like the real thing. I recreated the cast iron look on the armored surface with a stiff brush and “Nitro thinner” (a European solvent type thinner).
The finish
I first applied a dark gray and then a green base coat. I then proceeded to use masking tape to mask off the hard edge camouflage scheme. As an armor builder I was not aware how complicated and exhausting this work could be. After the paint application there was still a lot of work to be done. The hard edge had to be broken up and for this I first used an airbrush to apply a lighter tone of the base color. Then I followed all this up with small dots of oil color that I worked into the finish with a little thinner.
I have to thank Klaus Herold for introducing me to this method of "post shading" I dirtied up the vehicle a mixture of water, glue, earth and color pigments. |
meet the modeler |
Gert Petinger |
I was born in 1979.
At the moment I am an Engineering student in Graz, where
I have been living since I started my studies. I began
modelling very early, my main interests were airplanes
of World War II. Of course then, I did not yet have an
airbrush and had no notion about all the possibilities
of designing a model more realistically. Later, at the
age of 14, other things became more interesting, and I
was subject to the often mentioned modelling break. In
2002, I again came into contact with our joint hobby due
to a friend who had started painting figures. Around this
time I obtained internet access and through the internet
became aware of all the possibilities of detailing a model
and making a model seem more realistic.
Since then my main interest is on military vehicles of
World War II, mainly German productions. I started with
scale 1:72 and have now shifted to 1:35. My goal is approximating
the original as closely as possible by providing the model
with accessories or self-made constructions. |
Email: petinger@hotmail.com |
This page: GALLERY: Sd.Kfz. 173 "Jagdpanther" (1:35) - built by Gert Petinger
was last modified on: Oct 16, 2008
The URL of the page is: http://www.rlm.at/cont/gal34_e.htm
Translation into English by Werner
Stocker (Ft. Myers, FL USA).
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