15cm heavy Field Howitzer 18 This kit by Precision Model was built
directly "from the box" based on the illustration on the box cover. The
preparation for the project began with the careful sorting of the perfectly
cast resin parts. I continued by separating the rather large but intelligently
placed resin casting plugs from the kit parts followed by sanding and
cleaning up the parts.
There were no problems during assembly since all parts fit perfectly.
The model was painted with a mixture of Tamiya dark and desert yellow
water based paint. After a short drying time the complete model including
the black painted tires were coated with a mixture of brown oil paint
heavily thinned with turpentine. To finish the model a few metal scratches
should be added with a thin paint brush with a darkish metal color. The
crowning touch can be accomplished with a dusting with colored pigments
to give the piece that well used look.
17cm cannon 18 mounted on mortar carriage
This resin kit by Precision Model has so many parts that it took a week
of planning before I began sorting the parts. The problem rests with the
fact that the parts are not numbered and have to be sorted based on the
diagram provided in the kit. Once one has assigned a number to the part
and knows where it goes then the rest of the work consists of the routine
of separating the parts from their plugs and sanding and assembly. However
it is a lot of work. The photo etch parts are a bit basic but fulfill
their purpose. I assembled this artillery piece according to the building
instructions and encountered no problems despite the fact that some experts
have suggested that the parts representing the catwalks on the right and
left of the gun carriage do not match the original.
I painted the model with dark yellow and olive green Tamiya colors. Then
I applied a light brown oil wash, added some scratches using "burned metal"
by Model Master and a little dust with colored pigments. Last but not
least I treated the natural metal parts and the worn areas with various
metal colors from Model Master. A soft pencil also can be used here to
add wear and tear details. |