Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6, flown by Hauptmann Anton Hackl, 1944 |
built by Klaus Herold (1:32) |

This aircraft was flown by Hauptmann Anton Hackl when he was with III. /JG
11 during 1944. What is unique about this aircraft is the white tail plane
and the rather unorthodox blotch camouflage on the fuselage. It also is
a "Kanonenvogel" as the two 20 mm gun pods under the wings show.
This is my first model after a year-long abstinence from model building
and it is also my first aircraft that contains added accessories. The basic
kit is the Hasegawa Bf 109 G-6 in 1/32 scale. I added an Aires cockpit set,
parts from the Verlinden detail set for the Bf 109 G-6 and decals by Eagle
Strike. Other detail parts on this model I kept within limits. These include
for instance thin copper wire for the antenna cord, details for the MK 151
20 mm gondolas and wire for the hydraulic brake lines as well as very thin
stretched sprue for the dive angle indicators on the canopy sides.
It was a special pleasure to find a fitting base for my model. Here the
modeler can breathe easy since almost anything will fit the bill. Snow was
made from a mixture of wood glue, sodium hydroxide and water. The models
sits on boards normally used by wooden ship builders. I really enjoyed building
this model and it is perfect for a modeler trying to get back into the hobby
as well as a newcomer. The fit is extraordinary and even straight out of
the box one can build in relatively short time a beautiful replica of one
of the most successful fighter of all time - the Messerschmitt Bf 109. |
meet the modeler |
Klaus Herold |
My name is Klaus Herold.
I was born on March 4th 1979 and grew up in Pinkafeld, Burgenland,
Austria. I am studying pharmaceutical science in Graz and have
been modeling since my early childhood. Certainly there have
been, as with so many others, interruptions in my model building.
Since 2002 I have enthusiastically returned. My main interests
are primarily the aircraft of World War II, especially those
of the Luftwaffe. Now and then I make "excursions" into other
areas of modeling.
My goal is to build each new aircraft more detailed than the
previous one. I am constantly searching for new techniques,
materials and ideas. Since my favored scale is 1/32 I find that
with patience and skill one can make an even better model than
what the manufacturer and the accessories market offers. I hope
that someday the "perfect" model will grace my modeling table.
I hope that this day is far into the future and my learning
curve will continue over the years. |
Email: Klaus.Herold@gmx.at |
This page: GALLERY: Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6, flown
by Hauptmann Anton Hackl, 1944 (1:32)
was last modified on: Aug 2, 2005
The URL of the page is: http://www.rlm.at/cont/gal03_e.htm
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